NVIDIA SHIELD Price Cuts and Portal
by Jarred Walton on March 25, 2014 6:53 PM EST
NVIDIA has a couple big SHIELD-related announcements today. The first is a “limited time” price cut to $199. The original price was $299, which then dropped to $249 – and there was an additional $50 rebate if you purchased an NVIDIA GTX GPU. Now the price is a flat $199, with no rebate for GTX GPU purchasers. This reduced pricing will be in effect at least through the end of April, though personally I think we might see the price stay there. There are additional incentives to go along with the April price cut, of course.
First, in the way of software updates NVIDIA will be providing both a welcome update to Android 4.4.2 “KitKat”, and there will be other enhancements including modifications to the Gamepad Mapper, Bluetooth mouse and keyboard support in Console Mode, and other tweaks and changes. It’s great to see continued support for SHIELD with OS updates like this, as I’ve had several other Android tablets that basically got kicked to the curb after one or two updates. Naturally, with NVIDIA using SHIELD as more than just a standard tablet, it’s important to keep it up to date and relevant.
Along with the upgrade to KitKat, NVIDIA will be updating the GameStream client with a new addition: Remote GameStream. The current GameStream is designed to work over your local WiFi network (5GHz dual-stream preferred/required), which limits its use to within your own home. On the other side of the equation, they’ve had the GRID Streaming Beta running for a while with remote access to games rendered on a GRID computing farm and streamed to your SHIELD device. Now the two aspects are being combined with remote streaming from your home PC to your SHIELD device, anywhere you have a (presumably “good”) WiFi connection – or if you have a good LTE connection on your smartphone, you can enable tethering and potentially use that as well.
I think this is a much bigger deal than GameStream – if I’m in my home, I’m usually happier sitting at a PC with a keyboard and mouse (though admittedly gaming on an HDTV is one potential use case that’s still appealing). Now, running the GameStream client on your home PC with an appropriate (GTX 600 or later) desktop GPU gives you remote access to any of those games. What’s more, since SHIELD isn’t really doing much computational work, battery life will still be very good. The latest GameStream will also extend support to select laptop GPUs now: GTX 800M, GTX 700M, and select GTX 600M (Kepler GTX 600M, basically) will also support GameStream. Another GameStream addition is support for multiple-PC pairings, so you can choose to stream from different desktops/laptops (e.g. if one of your desktops is already running a game, you could use a secondary system).
Returning to Console Mode, the addition of Bluetooth mouse and keyboard support allows you to connect your SHIELD to an HDTV and then sit on the couch with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. Basically, you get a “portable PC” that you can connect to any appropriate large screen. It’s not clear if Console Mode also supports Remote GameStream, but that would seem to make sense. NVIDIA notes that three of the top five games among current GeForce Experience users are mouse-and-keyboard-only (League of Legends, Civilization V, and Diablo III are specifically mentioned), so Console Mode extends gaming support to additional titles, albeit in a roundabout way. Seriously: PC streaming to SHIELD connected to HDTV controlled by Bluetooth keyboard and mouse – am I the only one that feels it’s perhaps a bit too involved?
Wrapping up the announcement, NVIDIA also discussed their efforts to bring additional full PC and console ports to SHIELD. Recently they have worked with developers to port Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Mount & Blade Warband, and the indie hit Rochard to Android, with Tegra 4 enhancements for SHIELD devices. Coming soon is another major hit: Portal. This is the original title and not the sequel, but if you’ve never experienced the joys of Portal then you’re in for a treat. What would make the announcement even better would be free copies for existing and future SHIELD owners, but that might be asking too much.
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Anders CT - Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - link
Price drop to clear the remaining stock before the K1 version comes out?nathanddrews - Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - link
Probably... or it's a reaction to Steam In-Home Streaming (which is fantastic BTW)... or it's just cheaper for them to make them, who knows.Flunk - Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - link
They could also be dumping stock because the product isn't doing well so they're giving up.michael2k - Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - link
Adding features and updating the OS doesn't sound like giving up to me.Dropping the price, as an example, is what Nintendo did on the 3DS as well as keep updating the software stack until it, you know, succeeded.
Spunjji - Thursday, March 27, 2014 - link
Absolute agreement. They may not be in the best market position, but if anything this is just showing their determination to change that. Dropping the price of something to make it acceptable to the market isn't giving up, it's accepting the reality of your situation.fteoath64 - Thursday, March 27, 2014 - link
It would seem so as the Shield has been in the market for some time. But one would think a re-design might be in order to improve the console. Maybe slight cosmetic touch-ups and button improvements etc. The K1 chip would be a main attractor to this console if they can push it out by May/June time frame.michael2k - Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - link
Ironically, they are the first I can think of that matches the AppleTV in concept. Stream from iPad or iPhone to AppleTV, either full screen, app, or game, controlled with a BT controller and keyboard, or even from a Mac controlled by a BT keyboard and mouse.Aikouka - Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - link
They ought to make a Shield set-top box so it is more like an AppleTV. Also, they really ought to fix the d-pad on the Shield. I'm pretty sure it's worse than the 360 controller, and that level of badness takes talent!Acarney - Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - link
I would love a set top box that could talk wirelessly to the desktop (or hell, notebook) and then had a number of wireless input options; gamepad or keyboard+mouse. Then I could have a high performance PC in a different room then my big plasma HDTV but also get cutting edge geforce graphics powered games on the HDTV without any of the fan noise. Is nVidia's hardware compression engine fast enough for high quality 1080p h264 encoding at say 60fps? That would reduce the required wireless bandwidth for the video link at least and also allow the STB to need very light weight graphic processing power which would keep the power and heat down...Wolfpup - Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - link
Wow, $200 is amazing...the hardware still seems amazing, but...ugh, I still can't get past the fact it's running Android.