AMD and some of its retail partners have started a new discount campaign involving AMD Ryzen and AMD Ryzen Threadripper processors. Select AMD CPUs will be available at reduced prices when bought from participating retailers till the end of March.

The new campaign involves two high-end Ryzen Threadripper 1950X and 1920X, all three Ryzen 7 (1700, 1700X, 1800X) models, three Ryzen 5 (1400, 1500X, 1600X) SKUs, and two Ryzen 3 (1200, 1300X) variants. In the U.S., four major retailers participate in AMD’s new promo sale: Amazon, Newegg, Micro Center, and Fry’s. Amazon UK and Amazon France also sell select AMD processors at reduced prices, but it is unclear whether AMD’s campaign is global, or only covers the U.S., Canada, UK, and France.

Exact discounts vary depending on the particular product. For example, the Ryzen Threadripper 1950X is available for $869, which is 13% off its $999 MSRP. Meanwhile, the Ryzen 7 1800X only got a 6% discount and is now available for $329 from Amazon. The Ryzen 3 1200 now is available for $94, the first time when a Ryzen-branded CPU is available for less than $100 in retail. See the table below for exact details and “buy” links.

Earlier this year AMD already slashed official prices of its Ryzen processors in order to better compete against Intel products. That price-cut was global and had an effect on all Ryzen SKUs, but only on one Threadripper model. By contrast, this time select retailers offer discounts on select Ryzen and two higher-end Ryzen Threadripper CPUs, so evidently AMD is trying to address the higher-end of the market with its discounts.

AMD Ryzen Pricing with Campaign Discounts
Processor Cores/Threads Current SEP Campaign Price
Ryzen TR 1950X (TR4) 16C/32T $999 $869
Ryzen TR 1920X (TR4) 12C/24T $799 $669
Ryzen TR 1900X (TR4) 8C/16T $449 -
Ryzen 7 1800X (AM4) 8C16T $349 $329
Ryzen 7 1700X (AM4) 8C/16T $309 $289
Ryzen 7 1700 (AM4) 8C/16T $299 $275
Ryzen 5 1600X (AM4) 6C/12T $219 $198
Ryzen 5 1600 (AM4) 6C/12T $189 -
Ryzen 5 1500X (AM4) 4C/8T $174 $169
Ryzen 5 1400 (AM4) 4C/8T $169 $150
Ryzen 5 2400G (AM4) 4C/8T $169 -
Ryzen 3 2200G (AM4) 4C/4T $99 -
Ryzen 3 1300X (AM4) 4C/4T $129 $115
Ryzen 3 1200 (AM4) 4C/4T $109 $94

Related Reading:

Source: AMD

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  • Death666Angel - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    "the first time when a Ryzen-branded CPU is available for less than $100 in retail."
    Does the 99USD Ryzen 3 2200G not count as a CPU? :)
  • iter - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    Nah, its an APU :P
  • ImSpartacus - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    Somewhere, an AMD marketing guy sees this and starts pumping his first going, "We did it! We finally got people to use APU!"
  • iter - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    Thank you, come again!
  • GreenReaper - Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - link

    Nah, it's an AMD Ryzen™ 3 2200G Processor with Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics.
  • mfeller2 - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    The "sale" does not come close to offsetting the insane GPU prices. I am in the market to build a new PC, and I have a ryzen penciled-in as the CPU, but I will hold off on buying until the GPU market improves. (Which I realize, may be a LONG time)
  • drexnx - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    it won't be, crypto mining profitability dictates that it's not currently viable to purchase new hardware (and hasn't been for a few weeks) don't expect a dump of secondhand cards, but expect stock levels for new cards to return over the next month
  • stephenbrooks - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    --[The "sale" does not come close to offsetting the insane GPU prices.]--

    Assuming you don't want the Ryzen 5 2400G, then the GPU is very cheap indeed.
  • putneg - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    why not get one with the APU in it for a few bucks more? This way you can start gaming now and buy a GPU the moment you find a great deal.
  • Stochastic - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    It's not just GPU prices but also memory prices that are inflating the cost of PCs. I'm not expecting prices to return to semi-normal levels until 2019, but hopefully I'm wrong about that.

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