Abit AB9 Pro: A sneak peek at Intel's new P965 chipset
by Gary Key on July 3, 2006 3:45 AM EST- Posted in
- Motherboards
Audio Encoding Performance
Our last audio test utilizes Nero Digital Audio to extract all 16 tracks and convert them into an MP4 format. We changed the default quality settings to transcoder-ultra, variable bit rate, encoder quality to high, and the AAC profile to LC in order to properly stress our systems.
These results have left us impressed with the performance of the Abit AB9 Pro and the Intel P965 chipset considering our beta BIOS on this board. The Abit board is about 3% faster in this benchmark over the Asus board at the same memory settings and finishes first overall. It is obvious that the CPU/memory subsystem performance of the P965 is excellent considering the high memory latencies.
File Compression Performance
In order to save space on our hard drives and ensure we had another CPU crunching utility, we will be reporting our file compression results with the latest beta version of WinRAR that fully supports multi-threaded operations and should be of particular interest for those users with dual core or multi-processor systems. Our series of file compression tests utilizes WinRAR 3.60b5 to compress our test folder that contains 444 files, ten subfolders, and 602MB worth of data. All default settings are utilized in WinRAR along with our hard drive being defragmented before each test.
The results speak for themselves with the Intel P965 based system outperforming our previous best scores with the NVIDIA chipset by 14% in the decompression tasks and by 51% over the i975X system at the same settings. We have contacted Asus about the results as we believe this to be a potential BIOS or timing issue and not a true reflection of the i975X chipset based on other results. However, we see the i975X system finishing in front in the grueling compression test (3% faster) over the NVIDIA board, and the Asus board barely trailed the Abit board at equalized memory settings. Once again, we ran the test several times with the same results. The decompression tests are generally more limited by storage system performance whereas the compression tests stress the memory subsystem more in our benchmarks. It will be interesting to see how the Abit AB9 Pro performs once we have a BIOS that allows changes to the memory settings.
Our last audio test utilizes Nero Digital Audio to extract all 16 tracks and convert them into an MP4 format. We changed the default quality settings to transcoder-ultra, variable bit rate, encoder quality to high, and the AAC profile to LC in order to properly stress our systems.

These results have left us impressed with the performance of the Abit AB9 Pro and the Intel P965 chipset considering our beta BIOS on this board. The Abit board is about 3% faster in this benchmark over the Asus board at the same memory settings and finishes first overall. It is obvious that the CPU/memory subsystem performance of the P965 is excellent considering the high memory latencies.
File Compression Performance
In order to save space on our hard drives and ensure we had another CPU crunching utility, we will be reporting our file compression results with the latest beta version of WinRAR that fully supports multi-threaded operations and should be of particular interest for those users with dual core or multi-processor systems. Our series of file compression tests utilizes WinRAR 3.60b5 to compress our test folder that contains 444 files, ten subfolders, and 602MB worth of data. All default settings are utilized in WinRAR along with our hard drive being defragmented before each test.

The results speak for themselves with the Intel P965 based system outperforming our previous best scores with the NVIDIA chipset by 14% in the decompression tasks and by 51% over the i975X system at the same settings. We have contacted Asus about the results as we believe this to be a potential BIOS or timing issue and not a true reflection of the i975X chipset based on other results. However, we see the i975X system finishing in front in the grueling compression test (3% faster) over the NVIDIA board, and the Asus board barely trailed the Abit board at equalized memory settings. Once again, we ran the test several times with the same results. The decompression tests are generally more limited by storage system performance whereas the compression tests stress the memory subsystem more in our benchmarks. It will be interesting to see how the Abit AB9 Pro performs once we have a BIOS that allows changes to the memory settings.
View All Comments
mechBgon - Thursday, July 6, 2006 - link
Peak. A summit, a maximum value, etc.Peek. A quick look, a glance.
Pique. Annoyance, such as some people experience when "peak" and "peek" get swapped in full view of 2-3 million people. ;)
That is all. We now return you to your regularly-scheduled DailyTech program. :)7
JarredWalton - Saturday, July 8, 2006 - link
It just looked so nice right next to "sneak". We were debating between a "sneek peek", a "sneak peak", and a "snique pique" and you can see which one got the vote. ;)Sorry for the error - proofing thousands of words per week, stuff does slip through occasionally. On the bright side, we can fix the errors as they're caught - revisionist publishing at its best.
zsdersw - Thursday, July 6, 2006 - link
Pique can also mean to provoke or arouse.. as in: "His flashy outfit piqued my interest."commonuser - Thursday, July 6, 2006 - link
good review. particularly so as i've become increasingly interested in the direction these new platforms will take.however, i must say that i'm finding the obsession with SLI/Crossfire a bit overemphasized in every motherboard review i've read on the web as of late. now, i really do not have the exact figures at my disposal, but i'd say with a pretty high level of assumptive confidence that a significantly lower proportion of so-called "enthusiast" cyberpopulace makes use of these solutions, compared to traditional, albeit powerful single-gpu setup (think x1900xtx, or 7900gtx). "mainstream" segment falls into a non-SLI/CF category even more so...
therefore, when we have this opening sentence: , and this sentence in the conclusion: , one has to ask him/herself: what really is the difference among "enthusiast", "mainstream", "value", and/or "entry-level" chipsets and mainboards? is it soon going to be a huge oversight or a mistake if a manufacturer leaves out SLI support on a "value" or "entry-level" MB?
JarredWalton - Saturday, July 8, 2006 - link
Note the criticism is directed at *Intel* for not allowing manufacturers to make 2x8 PCIe configurations using P965. Given the cost of making that change, I would much rather have the option of using SLI/CF even if I never take advantage of it. One PCIe X16 slot is pretty much "value oriented" in my opinion these days.Kiste - Thursday, July 6, 2006 - link
Is it even possible to install WinXP from a PATA drive if the PATA port is 3rd party?I just bought a very nice BenQ PATA DVD writer and I certainly won't get rid of it just to buy Plextor's crappy SATA DVD writer or the even more abysmal one from Samsung.
Gary Key - Thursday, July 6, 2006 - link
Yes, there is limited functionality in the bios that allows the system to recognize the PATA port upon boot and for it to be utilized to load the OS or drivers if the OS is already loaded. We have seen this operation on our first two 965 boards but have one board that would not allow the PATA port to be recognized until the drivers were loaded. We were told this would be corrected in the shipping bios.goinginstyle - Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - link
Is it possible to load Linux with this IDE controller?Kiste - Thursday, July 6, 2006 - link
Ok, I'm not sure I completely understand. I can boot up with my WinXP installation CD and then I'll have to install drivers for the 3rd party PATA controller before I can install WinXP? Is that about right? Does that mean that I need a floppy drive?JarredWalton - Saturday, July 8, 2006 - link
If the BIOS is designed correctly, it can make the base XP installation detect the 3rd party IDE without drivers. Some earlier IDE chipsets didn't work (back in nF3 and ealier time frame), but most IDE and SATA solutions will now work without a driver disk. You would still need the driver disk for RAID, and certain BIOS settings might require it as well.