Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3179
So I was fully ready to work on the Sempron 3300+ article alongside my dual core stuff for next week...except the two Celeron D 345s that I ordered, from two separate places, didn't arrive until after the NDA had already lifted...so that kinda threw a wrench into things :) But now that I've got the CPUs, I'm running those tests in the background while I work on stuff for next week.
Also while trying to run Sempron 3300+ benchmarks earlier, I realized that all of my Socket-754 boards up here are no longer functional (all two of them). In order to remedy the situation, I had to run down to CompUSA to pick up a board so I could have the article ready for Monday. The one thing I dread the most about going to places like CompUSA or BestBuy is having the dreaded service plan pushed on me. I'm sure their tactics work on some folks otherwise they wouldn't still be doing them, but there is nothing more annoying. Luckily my trip to CompUSA today wasn't nearly as bad as past experiences; the two sales gals stopped pushing the plan on me only after having me say no twice - usually it takes many more tries before they give up. I've literally tried everything from telling them I'm never going to use the product and I just bought it to keep in my attic, to telling them that my company won't authorize me to purchase anything above and beyond the base price of the item - nothing seems to work. How do you all handle this problem (other than just shopping online, which I do most of the time but there are times when I need to get something right away and for that I have to go to BB/CompUSA)?