Back from IDF, and lots to do

by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/1/2005 2:20 AM EST
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  • PMPopic - Thursday, September 15, 2005 - link

    I would be very interested in an article covering what can be done at reasonable cost in home automation, audio and video distribution. How would you wire a new home to allow the use of equipment in the future when the cost is more affordable? In addition you mentioned online shopping for home products, what was your experience like with that?
  • judmarc - Friday, September 2, 2005 - link

    You'll want to have the electricians put empty conduits in the walls (and make sure you note their locations) to strategically positioned outlets, so that when the tech you want does become reasonably available it will be relatively easy to install without undue drilling or breaking through drywall.
  • Kensei - Friday, September 2, 2005 - link

    Given what I assume is your very recent research into and knowledge of "technology in the home," I'd be interested in hearing more of your experiences in that area. For example, what technology would you like to have incorporated but you felt wasn't ready for prime time or too expensive? What technology did you include in the house and why? Did you do anything to the house to prepare it for future technology?

    In know it's probably not on the same scale, but Bill Gates did some pieces on how he incorporated technology into his own house and I found them quite interesting.

  • GhandiInstinct - Thursday, September 1, 2005 - link

    Isn't it awkward that only in worst times do people become good? Shouldn't we have a society where people by nature, have good intentions, it doesn't seem so in todays world.

    Everyone walks around with some sort of built-in animosity towards one another. And when moments of crisis do occur, in order for them to not feel completely disatached from people they choose to help when help is absolutely necessary.

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