With the raving success that stemmed from Infinity Ward's return to the Call of Duty series with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, many fans cringed to hear that not only would the next installment be handed over to developer Treyarch, but it would take a step backward into the seemingly overplayed WWII setting. While this came as a surprise to me as well, I quickly was comforted by the fact that Treyarch will building upon what Infinity Ward created with Modern Warfare and simply taking the same strong gameplay mechanics into a direction of their own. I'm happy to say that Call of Duty: World at War looks every bit as phenomenal as CoD4, despite its familiar setting. Watch this great looking co-op demonstration, and take notice of the voice of your new squad commander, 24's Kiefer Sutherland.

And now, boys and girls, it's time to break out the biggest gun of them all. This next game has raised the bar of anticipation to new heights. Not only is it the love child of what many people still refer to today as the greatest RPGs of all time, it simply looks badass. To play off of developer Bethesda Softworks' 2006 monster hit title Oblivion, this game could actually be called "Obliteration." So sit back, relax, and put on your gas masks. It's time to introduce the one game that could very well keep you glued to your computer monitor for such lengths that hygiene and taking showers will become foreign concepts. You may stink to high heaven, but damn it, you'll be playing Fallout 3.

And there you have it. I hope you've enjoyed AnandTech's E3 Aftermath as much as I did putting it together. Please note that there are tons more great games out there showcased during the conference - games like Project Origin, Mercenaries 2, The Force Unleashed, and yes, Gears of War 2. I do think that we've touched on some of the cool stuff that makes the days surrounding E3 so exciting, and as usual this fall is shaping up to be an extremely interesting time for gamers. While I did not physically attend the conference, I did take advantage of some great resources out there, including GameTrailers.com, that enabled me to bring a bit of the E3 conference home to AnandTech. Now with the show out of the way, it's back to playing some games!
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yyrkoon - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
" Rage has been announced as a DX9 game with no plans for DX10 support. Here's to hoping the developers have a change of heart. [Ed: Interesting to note is that Rage for the PC will apparently not use OpenGL as is standard for id Software; however, the Mac version will use OpenGL. Perhaps DirectX has reached the point where Carmack no longer feels it's a handicap, or maybe he's just throwing in the towel as one of the few remaining holdouts.]"Or Maybe idsoft wants to port the title to the xbox360 ?
JarredWalton - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
I've had a few debates/conversations with people online lately about the state of DX10 games. With no DX10 hardware on consoles, and with a huge installed base of DX9 hardware... plus with the Vista requirement for DX10... basically, I don't think we're coming anywhere near to utilizing what DX10 really can do. Everything so far is a DX9 game with DX10 stuff added, because no one is willing to ditch support for all the XP and DX9 user base. It's almost as bad as the state of 64-bit applications. Almost. Still, the fact that id is releasing an OpenGL version on Mac makes the use of DirectX on the PC interesting.yyrkoon - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
Actually Jarred, what I meant was that I'm nearly positive that the xbox360 uses Direct3D 9, and there is a development kit for Directx that can be used for PC, or xbox360 titles(sorry, I do not recall the resource kit name). What I was trying to get at here was that IF IDSoft has any hopes of releasing said title for the xbox360, Directx9 *would* be the only way to go, and since this resource kit can be used for xbox360 AND PC titles . . .JarredWalton - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
But since they're doing a Mac version, they've already got OpenGL. There's some confusion on the subject of whether or not it's really using DX9, or if it's a DX9-class OpenGL solution. Not that important in the grand scheme of things, of course, as the final game and gameplay is what matters.phideo - Friday, July 25, 2008 - link
The PC/Windows version still uses OpenGL according to John Carmack. It's a D3D9-class renderer, not a D3D9 renderer."The PC version is still OpenGL, but it is possible that could change before release...I am going to at least consider OpenGL 3.0 as a target, if Nvidia, ATI, and Intel all have decent support."
'Course, this was way back in September of 2007...